Laura Schulz is head of Quantum Computing and Technologies and leads strategic development and partnership initiatives in supercomputing at the Leibniz Supercomputing Centre (LRZ) near Munich, Germany. Before joining LRZ, she was part of the Computation directorate at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) as well as LLNL’s High Performance Computing Innovation Center (HPCIC), which connects industry with the lab’s novel technologies in HPC. Laura was the lead author of LRZ’s Strategic Plan for Quantum Computing, the PI for Germany’s EuroHPC Joint Undertaking project Euro-Q-Exa, and co-founder of the monthly Bavarian Quantum Computing eXchange (BQCX). She leads multiple efforts toward integrating emerging quantum accelerators into several layers of the HPC ecosystem: from placement and residency in HPC centers, through hardware and software hybridization to user-centric adoption of HPCQC workflows and applications. Recently, Laura was named an HPCWire 2023 Person to Watch.