Program Overview

With outstanding contributions and participation from the international quantum community, IEEE Quantum Week 2023 has formed an Exceptional Program with exciting exhibits featuring technologies from quantum companies, start-ups and research labs. QCE23, the fourth IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, will feature a career fair9 world-class keynote speakers30 workforce-building tutorials, 32 community-building workshops, 153 stellar technical papers 13 stimulating panels, 93 innovative posters, and 4 Birds-of-a-Feather sessions.

Program Synopsis


IEEE Quantum Week features world-class keynote speakers who will promote the virtues and state of the art of the different themes of quantum computing and engineering providing food for thought and stimulating discussion.

Exhibitors & Supporters

IEEE Quantum Week attracts leading companies that develop the next generation of products and solutions, providing opportunities for you to network and learn advanced-industry perspectives. Put yourself in the position to meet them at IEEE Quantum Week!

Support Quantum Week

IEEE Quantum Week provides various ways for organizations to support
the community while gaining exposure and other benefits. Maximize your presence during the event with a Diamond, Platinum, Gold, Silver, or Bronze investment.


The week-long tutorials program is aimed squarely at workforce development. The tutorials are ideally suited to develop quantum champions for industry, academia, government, and build expertise for emerging quantum ecosystems.

Technical Papers

IEEE Quantum Week aims to be a leading venue for presenting high-quality original research, groundbreaking innovations, and compelling insights in quantum computing and engineering. Technical papers are peer-reviewed.


Workshops provide forums for discussions in quantum research, practice, education, and applications. Workshops provide opportunities for researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, students, educators, and newcomers to develop communities.


Panels facilitate enlightening and impactful discussions among experts on different perspectives of quantum computing and engineering with a set of diverse researchers and practitioners while engaging the broader community.


Posters presentations are excellent opportunities for graduate & undergraduate students, postdocs, researchers, practitioners, and entrepreneurs to showcase their work and engage with the quantum computing R&D community.


Birds-of-a-Feather sessions or BoFs are informal gatherings of people interested in a particular topic. The Quantum Week program features scheduled BoF sessions addressing timely topics of interest on Quantum Computing and Engineering.

IEEE Financial Co-Sponsors

IEEE Technical Co-Sponsors