Posters Program

Posters Scope and Goals

The IEEE Quantum Week Posters program presents excellent opportunities for graduate students, undergraduate students, researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and start-ups to showcase their work and engage with the international quantum computing R&D community during IEEE Quantum Week. Posters are intended to stimulate discussions of recent advances, experiences, and challenges in quantum computing and engineering. 

Posters Co-Chairs and Contacts

Posters Program

A record number of 93 Posters has  been accepted.
Congratulations to all the authors!

IEEE QCE23 Minor Release Form

The QCE23 Reception on Monday evening sponsored by AWS will kick off the QCE23 Exhibits and Posters presentations
― Sep 18 @ 18:30-20:30. 

The Exhibits and Posters area will be open Mon, 18:30-20:30 as well as Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30 to 17:00. 

The QCE23 Reception on Monday evening will kick off the QCE23 Exhibits and Posters presentations ― Sep 18 @ 18:30-20:30. 

Tue-Wed-Thu Poster presentations: The Exhibits and Posters area will be open Tuesday,
Wednesday, and Thursday from 9:30 to 17:00. 

Posters presentations are scheduled during the breaks at 9:30-10:00, 11:30-13:00, 14:30-15:00, and 16:30-17:00. 
Each poster is allocated three time slots: Monday evening and two slots Tue-Thu as outlined in the schedule bel