Call for Workshop Proposals

Scope and Goals

IEEE Quantum Week 2025 Workshops provide forums for group (i.e., 20–50 participants) discussions on QCE25 topics in quantum research, practice, education, and applications. Workshops provide opportunities for researchers, practitioners, scientists, engineers, entrepreneurs, developers, students, educators, programmers, and newcomers to exchange and discuss scientific and engineering ideas at an early stage before they have matured to warrant a conference or journal publication. In this manner, an IEEE Quantum Week workshop serves as a forum for common interests or as an incubator for a scientific community to form a research roadmap or share a research agenda. Workshops are the key to sustaining, growing, and evolving IEEE Quantum Week in the future. Note IEEE Quantum Week is a multidisciplinary quantum computing venue.

Each workshop at IEEE Quantum Week 2025 is one day long (i.e., there are no half-day or two-day workshops) for a total of 4.5 hours (i.e., three sessions of 90 mins). Participation in an IEEE Quantum Week 2025 workshop should be open.


  • Workshops Co-Chairs
    • Ulrike Stege, University of Victoria
    • Robert Wille, Technical University of Munich (TUM)

Workshop Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Workshops are accepted according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • The potential of the workshop to advance the state of quantum computing and engineering research and practice
  • Expected interest in and novelty of the workshop’s topic among people in the quantum computing or engineering communities, as well as in other communities of related disciplines
  • Impact of the workshop in forging a new research community and in facilitating new collaborations
  • Interactive nature of the workshop’s format; for example, a workshop with stimulating discussions will be preferred over one based solely on presentations 
  • Experience and ability of the proposers to organize a successful workshop
  • Balance and synergy of the workshop with respect to other IEEE Quantum Week 2025 program elements

Workshop Papers — Optional

QCE Workshops are designed to be highly interactive and normally include a mix of invited presentations and substantial discussions. Starting with IEEE Quantum Week 2025, workshops may include papers. Papers must be solicited with a call for papers and are limited to four pages including references. As for regular QCE25 papers, workshop papers must be properly reviewed by at least three reviewers. Moreover, the QCE25 EasyChair submission system must be used for paper submissions. Accepted papers will be included in the QCE25 proceedings. If you have any questions about QCE25 workshops, please contact the QCE25 Workshop co-chairs.

Workshop Proposal Submission Format

Each workshop proposal must conform at the time of submission to the IEEE Formatting Instructions (i.e., title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option). The submission must also comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship.

Each workshop proposal must include the following sections in one PDF file and in the order specified below. Sections 1-10 must not exceed four (4) pages. Each proposal must be submitted via the EasyChair submission website. The call for papers and proposals can also be found on EasyChair CFPPlease submit ONE PDF file that includes all components of the proposal.

  1. Workshop title — descriptive and attractive to potential participants.
  2. Workshop summary — a 1-2 sentence summary of what an attendee will learn in your workshop; intended to support attendees in their funding requests.
  3. Workshop abstract — 200-250 words to be posted on the QCE25 website.
  4. Workshop authors — Contact information for all workshop organizers and clearly indicating the main contact.
  5. Workshop objectives — define the short- and/or long-term objectives of the workshop. While a QCE25 workshop is only 4.5 hours long, ideally the organizers have a long-term vision that expands beyond the workshop. 
  6. Workshop relevance — relevance to the fields of quantum computing and/or quantum engineering (e.g., relate to the QCE25 topics).
  7. Anticipated workshop outcomes — form and/or sustain a research community or working group, develop plan and enlist participants for a research roadmap, generate synergy between two research strands, develop a common standard, curriculum or platform — in the realm of quantum computing and/or quantum engineering.
  8. Workshop format — plans for soliciting or inviting presentations, paper presentations, keynote speakers (note: there is no budget for invited speakers), plans for generating discussions, or breakout sessions.
  9. Workshop papers (optional, not required) — indicate whether the workshop will solicit papers. If the workshop plans to solicit papers to be included in the QCE25 proceedings include the detailed call for papers including tentative and already committed program committee members as well as the main contact who is responsible for the workshop proceedings and thus the liaison to the QCE25 Publications Chair.
  10. Workshop target audience — including the expected background of the workshop attendees, the mix of industry and research participation.
  11. Workshop participants — expected minimum and maximum number of attendees, plans for soliciting and selecting workshop participants, and tentative list of workshop participants.
  12. Workshop organizer biographies — A brief description of each organizer’s background, including relevant past experience in organizing conferences and workshops — 200-250 words per organizer to be posted on the QCE25 website. Please include a LinkedIn or personal website for each organizer.
  13. Workshop consent and media release form — required upon workshop acceptance for all organizers and presenters. This form is important for hybrid and virtual meetings in order to broadcast the sessions.

Important Workshop Proposal Requirements

  • All participants, including workshop organizers, keynote speakers, and invited guests, must register for the workshop. By submitting a workshop proposal to IEEE Quantum Week 2025, you are making a commitment to register for your workshop and attend the conference upon acceptance of your workshop proposal.
  • Please note, IEEE Quantum Week 2025 cannot guarantee to honor specific requests for holding the workshop on specific dates. Please note that Sunday, August 31, 2025 is a full conference day with workshops, tutorials, and technical papers.
  • The short workshop abstract — title, abstract, and organizers — will be included in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE25).