Call for Tutorial Proposals

 Scope and Goals

The shortage of skilled labor is one of the quantum computing sector’s greatest challenges. The week-long tutorials program, with tutorials by leading experts, is aimed squarely at workforce development and training considerations. 

The tutorials are ideally suited to develop quantum champions for industry, academia, government, and build expertise for emerging quantum ecosystems. IEEE Quantum Week 2025 will cover a broad range of topics in quantum computing and engineering including a lineup of fantastic hands-on tutorials on programming and applications.

Each tutorial at IEEE Quantum Week 2025 is 3.0 hours long (i.e., two sessions of 90 mins). 


  • Tutorials Co-Chairs
    • TBA  
    • TBA

Tutorial Proposal Evaluation Criteria

Tutorials are evaluated and accepted according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • The potential of the tutorial for workforce development and training
  • Expected interest in the tutorial’s topic among people in the quantum computing and engineering communities; timeliness of the topic
  • Quality of the proposal (clarity, completeness, and cohesiveness of the proposal; and quality of the visual aids)
  • The tutorial’s format, slides, handouts, on-line materials, hands-on
  • Experience and ability of the presenter(s) to run a successful tutorial
  • Balance and synergy of the tutorial with respect to other IEEE Quantum Week 2025 events

Tutorial Proposal Submission Format

Each tutorial proposal must conform at the time of submission to the IEEE Formatting Instructions (i.e., title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option). The submission must also comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship.

Each tutorial proposal must include the following sections in one PDF file and in the order specified below. Sections 1-10 must not exceed four (4) pages. Each proposal must be submitted via the EasyChair submission website. The call for papers and proposals can also be found on EasyChair CFP. Please submit ONE PDF file that includes the following components of the proposal. 

  1. Tutorial title — descriptive and attractive to potential QCE25 attendees.
  2. Tutorial abstract — 200-250 words to be posted on QCE25 website.
  3. Tutorials summary — a 1-2 sentence summary of what an attendee will learn in your tutorial; intended to support attendees in their funding requests.
  4. Tutorial authors — Contact information for the tutorial instructor(s) and indicating the lead presenter. The tutorial submitter is assumed to be the lead presenter. Note the IEEE Quantum Week tutorial budget allows for one instructor per tutorial only.
  5. Tutorial contents level — approximate % beginner, % intermediate, % advanced
  6. Tutorial target audience — expected background and prerequisites of the tutorial attendees — practitioners and researchers; describe the target audience; what will they learn; this description will appear on the QCE25 website.
  7. Tutorial goals — what are the learning outcomes and how will attendees benefit for their studies or profession.
  8. Tutorial relevance — how is the tutorial relevant to practitioners and researchers in the fields of quantum computing or quantum engineering  (e.g., relate to the QCE25 topics).
  9. Tutorial format — slides, handouts, on-line materials, hands-on; if hands-on, characterize the expected internet access and projected load — a clear justification and operations plan is required for internet access during the tutorial.
  10. Tutorial instructor(s) bio(s) — A brief description of the instructor(s) background, including relevant past experience in organizing tutorials — 200-250 words per instructor to be posted on QCE25 website.
  11. Tutorial contents — detailed tutorial description in outline form; describe the tutorial contents, schedule, and organization.
  12. Tutorial sample contents — samples of visual aids (e.g., slides) to be used in the tutorial for download via URL — in PDF form; encouraged but not required.
  13. Tutorial consent and media release form — required upon tutorial acceptance for all tutorial presenters. This form is important for hybrid and virtual meetings in order to broadcast the sessions.

Important Tutorial Proposal Requirements

  • By submitting a tutorial proposal to IEEE Quantum Week 2025, you are making a commitment to register and attend the conference upon acceptance of your tutorial proposal.
  • Please note, IEEE Quantum Week 2025 cannot guarantee to honor specific requests for holding the tutorial on specific dates.
  • The tutorial abstract — title, abstract, and instructors — will be included in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE25).
  • Tutorial presenters are expected to attend IEEE Quantum Week 2025 in person.

Upon Tutorial Acceptance

  • The short tutorial abstract — title, abstract, and presenters — will be included in the proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE25).
  • Slides and handouts — Tutorial materials (i.e., slides and handouts) will be made available to tutorial registrants for download. The suggested format for all presentation slides is 16:9 (i.e., 1920 x 1080).
  • Registration — One presenter per tutorial receives a complimentary one-day tutorial pass registration for the day of his or her tutorial. Otherwise, presenters must register for the conference and/or any tutorials they wish to attend.