Student Travel Grants

IEEE QCE25—IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering—offers a number of student grants on a competitive basis to students who have registered for the conference.

Sponsored by the US National Science Foundation (NSF) and IEEE Computer Society (CS), these grants are designed to encourage participation by students who might otherwise find it difficult to attend. Special consideration is given to women, minorities, undergraduate or beginning graduate students, and first-time QCE attendees.

Only one student per institution can be supported, and postdocs, faculty, or other senior research personnel are not eligible. These grants will enable the sharing of scientific information and stimulate research interests among students in the field of quantum technology.

You do not need to be a paper author or presenter to apply for a student travel grant.

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: Mon, July 7, 2025

  • Acceptance Notification: Mon, July 14, 2025

IEEE Computer Society Student Travel Grants

IEEE QCE25 offers a number of IEEE Computer Society Student Travel Grants on a competitive basis to students, funded by the Quantum Technical Community (QTC). Each IEEE-sponsored grant provides up to US $500, but not exceeding actual travel expenses. For students attending remotely, the grant covers registration costs up to US $300.

Applicant Eligibility

  • Each applicant must be a valid Student Member of the IEEE Computer Society at the time of application.
  • Each applicant must be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelors, Masters, or Ph.D. degree in computer science, engineering or related field in a college or university when submitting the application.
  • Applicant may not receive more than one IEEE Computer Society Student Travel Grant in any 12-month period.
  • During the expense reimbursement stage, the student applicant must show the proof of having registered to attend QCE25.

NSF Student Travel Grants

Each NSF sponsored grant is US $1250 for in-person participant, US $300 for online registered participant.

Applicant Eligibility

  • Each applicant must be a full-time student registered toward a Bachelor, Masters, or Ph.D. degree in computer science, engineering or related field in a US-based institution when submitting the application.
  • This grant particularly encourages women, minorities, undergraduate, undergraduate or beginning graduate students, and first time QCE attendees to apply.
  • During the expense reimbursement stage, the student applicant must show the proof of having registered to attend QCE25.

Requirements for NSF Student Travel Grants Awardee

All flights made on an NSF travel grant award must be either on a US-flag carrier or ticketed through a US-carrier (e.g., codeshare flights on international airlines). Each awardee must ensure active participation in the conference.

How to Apply for for Student Travel Grants

Applicants should create their application as a single PDF file, following the format described above.

  1. Go to EasyChair and log in at
  2. Once logged in, click on the “New Submission” option
  3. Choose the “Student Travel Grant” option from the list.
  4. Complete the required information and submit your application.
    • Title: Enter “Student Travel Grant Application”
    • Keywords: Provide keywords that describe your study or research interests.

What to Submit

  1. Please make sure to upload in EasyChair at all the required application materials in ONE PDF file:
  2. A support letter from the student’s advisor (The letter can be directly included in the application).
  3. The student’s Curriculum Vitae including citizenship (required), ethnicity and gender (optional, used to broaden the participation of under-represented students).
  4. A one-page letter from the student to CLEARLY state:
    • The type(s) of student travel grant (Computer Society Student Travel Grant or NSF Student Travel Grant) that the student is applying for.
    • Whether the student is a first-time attendee and whether the student has an authored paper being accepted by QCE25 and the paper title (if available).
    • A brief summary of research interests and accomplishments to date; students should demonstrate a serious interest in quantum or related computing field, through their course work and projects.
    • A description of areas reflected in the QCE25 program that would impact the student’s research.
    • A statement about why the conference attendance is important to the student.

Important Notes

  • We remind you that students who are awarded a student travel grant must register and attend the conference in person or virtually.
  • This grant particularly encourages women, minorities, undergraduate, undergraduate or beginning graduate students, and first time QCE attendees to apply.

Non-Discrimination Policy

  • IEEE is committed to the principle that all persons shall have equal access to programs, facilities, services, and employment without regard to personal characteristics not related to ability, performance, or qualifications as determined by IEEE policy and/or applicable laws. For more information on the policy, visit this IEEE Non-Discrimination Policy website.

  • Please address any questions to:


We extend our sincere appreciations to IEEE Computer Society (CS) and US National Science Foundation (NSF) for supporting IEEE QCE25 student grants.