Call for Poster Proposals

Scope and Goals

The IEEE Quantum Week Posters program presents excellent opportunities for graduate students, undergraduate students, researchers, practitioners, entrepreneurs, and start-ups to showcase their work and engage with the international quantum computing R&D community during IEEE Quantum Week. Posters are intended to stimulate discussions of recent advances, experiences, and challenges in quantum computing and engineering.

Poster Co-Chairs

  • TBA
  • TBA 

Poster Evaluation Criteria

Posters are accepted according to the following evaluation criteria:

  • Expected interest in and novelty of the poster’s topic among people in the quantum computing and engineering communities.
  • Quality of the poster submission including the 2-page paper and the actual poster.
  • Potential of the poster to advance the state of quantum computing and engineering research and practice.

Poster Proposal Submission Format

Please follow the following submission instructions careEach poster proposal must conform at the time of submission to the IEEE Formatting Instructions (i.e., title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option). The submission must also comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship
Each poster proposal should be 4 pages long, should be typeset using the above IEEE instructions, and must include the following sections in one PDF file and in the order specified below.

  • Page 1: Sections 1-4. Pages 2-3: Section 5. Page 4: Section 6.
    Each proposal must be submitted to the POSTER TRACK via the 
    EasyChair submission website.
    Please submit ONE PDF FILE that includes all components of the proposal.

  1. Poster title — descriptive and attractive to potential attendees.
  2. Poster authors — Contact information for all poster authors and indicating the main contact.
  3. Poster abstract — 200-250 words to be posted on QCE25 website upon acceptance of poster proposal.
  4. Poster relevance — relevance to the fields of quantum computing and/or quantum engineering  (e.g., relate to the QCE25 topics).
  5. Extended poster abstract for conference proceedings —  a 2-page detailed description of the poster including references; must be typeset like a paper using the above IEEE instructions including title, authors, abstract, main contents, and references.
  6. Actual poster — preliminary poster — at most one page in PDF format. Note the final printed posters should not be larger than the standard size with a width of 36″ (92 cm) and a height of 48” (122 cm).

Guidelines for an Effective Poster Design

  1. Clarity and simplicity — your poster should be easy to understand. Keep your audience in mind and consider what they need to understand your research. Get feedback from your peers way before IEEE Quantum Week.
  2. Layout — make your 5-10 minute presentation flow logically throughout the poster (e.g., using colored numbers and/or section headings to ease navigation).
  3. Font and text size — use a simple font and make sure the text should be readable from a distance
  4. Color scheme — use a consistent color scheme as well as high contrast between text and background.
  5. Graphics and visuals — diagrams and figures can be effective and more engaging than text in communicating your ideas.
  6. Title — should be short and yet descriptive and easy to read from a distance. What is the research topic?
  7. Contents — present problem statement, methodology, contributions, and conclusions succinctly. Don’t copy paragraphs from your extended abstract.
  8. Citations and acknowledgments — cite your sources and acknowledge funding sources.
  9. Contact information — provide your name, affiliation, and contact information and possibly a URL and/or a QR code.

2-page Poster Paper to be included in the QCE25 Proceedings for Accepted Posters

  • For accepted posters, the 2-page poster paper — title, authors, extended abstract, references — will be included  in the Proceedings of the 2025 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering (QCE25). More instructions will follow upon Poster acceptance.
  • Final 2-page poster paper of an accepted poster for inclusion in proceedings. Upload instructions to follow upon Poster Proposal acceptance. The paper must follow the  IEEE Formatting Instructions (i.e., title in 24pt font and full text in 10pt type, LaTEX users must use \documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or compsocconf option). The submission must also comply with the IEEE Policy on Authorship.

Important Poster Submission Requirements

  • By submitting a poster to IEEE Quantum Week 2025, you are making a commitment to register and attend the conference upon acceptance of your poster.
  • Accepted posters will be allocated dedicated poster exhibit times that will be highlighted in the conference program on Mon, Sep 1 through Thu, Sep 4 at the Albuquerque Convention Center in Albequerque, New Mexico, USA.