We have planned IEEE Quantum Week as an in-person event with a virtual component. For the first time, we are able to gather together in one physical space, and the program features opportunities for networking and social interactions, including exhibits, breaks, extended lunch, receptions, and a banquet. We are very much looking forward to the chance to meet and interact in person.
At the same time, we realize that some may not be able to travel for many reasons. We have therefore arranged for almost all Quantum Week events to be offered using the virtual platform. This will allow virtual attendees from around the world to participate in real-time, interacting with on-site attendees. In addition, all streamed content will also be recorded and will be available on-demand to all attendees through December 15, 2024 for registered participants.
The following types of sessions will be streamed and recorded: keynotes, workshops, tutorials, technical paper sessions, and panels. All of these sessions will use hosted Zoom rooms through the Hubb virtual platform, allowing for engagement with the online attendees. We expect most presenters to be in-person attendees. There will be some who will need to present remotely, and we will support this mode as needed. All presentations will be live, and pre-recorded presentations will not be supported. The Session Chair for each session must be in person, so that the interaction between speakers and attendees is driven from the room.
The following activities will not be available to virtual attendees: poster sessions, breaks, receptions, banquet, and access to the exhibit space.
Providing both in-person and virtual access to all sessions is challenging, but we strongly believe that the IEEE Quantum Week offers a unique opportunity for the broad quantum research, development, and user communities to meet and exchange perspectives. To be a truly international conference, our goal is that physical distance should not be an impediment to participation. We hope that both in-person and remote attendees will take full advantage of the extensive program.
Thank you very much for your patience and support in working through the in-person and virtual logistics for IEEE Quantum Week.